Who are we?
We are a group of producers and organic food producers in Navarre.
Ekoalde was born with a double mission. To give service to its associates and to offer a wide range of products to customers (the clientele) at fair prices for all.
Located in Noain (with our facilities located in Noain), our collective makes it possible to create a joint catalogue, organise distribution and offer an excellent sales and logistics service.
We turn to:
- HORECA Channel
- Dining rooms
- Retail
- Consumer groups
Aims and Objectives
This project aims to create and promote short distribution chains to strengthen the activity of the sector as well as the value of organic products produced and produced in Navarre.
It also seeks to promote rural development and contribute to the viability of the primary sector by dignifying the work of local producers.
An interview can be heard here: http://bizilur.eus/portfolio-items/ekoalde-nafarroako-elikagai-ekologikoen-eskaintza-antolatzeko-beste-urrats-bat/
- Kick-starting
- Peasant movement, Peasant organisation