Cognitive individualism based on the consumption and transaction of knowledge in the form of intellectual property is confronted, on the one hand, by the indigenous traditions of the yachay, of (re)production of community knowledge and, on the other, by the new forms of collaboration of digital culture and hacker ethics. The principles of reciprocity (randi-randi) and organization of community work (maki-maki) resonate in what could be called a digital Pacha Mama of knowledge (the “commons” of the general intellect).
Open, common, shared knowledge is a habitat for good living, it’s a necessity. Good living, sumak kawsay, demands, in this totality of knowledge, a sumak yachay of knowledge (new and old). It is therefore necessary to develop good knowledge, that which benefits everyone, which creates a rich and fertile environment for cultural, social, economic and political life.
There was an extremely complex challenge. It required integrating international experts, academic researchers, hackers, lawyers, community leaders, activists, businessmen, etc., in a research process that would allow the definition of and implementation of the project that would assure the success of a model of a productive society of open and common knowledge.
This task was divided into nine thematic areas and an Integration Area:
- Hardware and connectivity
- Free Software
- Free Culture
- Education and the knowledge society
- Science and innovation policies
- Intangible industrial commons and bio/nano technologies
- Open Data, transparency and ICT in public administration
- Geographicalisation of cognitive work
- Cybersecurity
A new book on the experience can be downloaded here:
Here are some of the actions carried out between 2015 and 2017:
- Familiarising and reflecting
- Creating networks
- Local institution