The Andalusian Seed Network "Cultivating Biodiversity" develops a great number of actions in all the corners of the Andalusian geography. Among them, the following stand out:
To inform and raise awareness of the wealth and importance of Andalusian agricultural genetic heritage through events open to society, such as the Andalusian Agricultural Biodiversity Fair.
Promote the free exchange of seeds among farmers through the SAN-managed community seed bank, Reseeding and Exchange Network of local crop varieties.
Produce fact sheets and publications on cultivated biodiversity
Disseminate the qualities of local varieties of crops in conferences, tastings, workshops and studies.
Research, training and sharing of information on local crop varieties and seeds suitable for organic and agro-ecological production
Maintain a Resource Centre on Farmers' Knowledge and Agricultural Biodiversity specializing in seeds and cultivated biodiversity, created in early 2007, both at headquarters and online on our website.
Collaborate and establish alliances with organizations in Andalusia that work for food sovereignty for the development of activities related to the promotion of agricultural biodiversity and organic and GMO-free production. The work of the RAS in the Andalusia Free of Transgenic Platform , of which it is an active member, is highlighted.
To work with other local seed networks to strengthen the "Resembrando e Intercambiando" a statewide coordination that brings together more than 20 groups in Spain
- Kick-starting
- Creating networks
- Peasant movement, Peasant organisation