In 2012, Sakanako Garapen Agentzia, the development agency of the region, was founded; and in 2013, the Sakana Socioeconomic Observatory was established as a centre for reflection by the social, political, institutional, trade union and business agents of the region. It begins with the participatory process, which then leads to the Sakana 2020 Strategic Plan.
The Plan is made up of seven sections: the so-called axis 0, which includes the guidelines for action and actions related to the articulation of the organisational structure necessary for the implementation of a regional development strategy. Four sectors of action, with their strategic axes, lines and corresponding actions: agri-food, industry and business services, energy and tourism. And finally, two transversal lines, trade and education.
Some projects that have been developed include:
By cooperating with Belardi-Ehne Nafarroa, the Irurtzun market has been recovered and direct marketing has been boosted. The Amalurra market was created in Etxarri with the same objective in mind.
We have been reflecting on community management in order to face the reality and take action. Thus, little by little, to bring to light points of debate: the aging and shrinking of the population, generational change, the need to promote new facilities...
The Dastatu Sakana brand was created with the objective of promoting the products produced and processed in Sakana and to foster cooperation between the primary sector and tourism. A brochure has also been published to make local products and services more visible. Some activities have also been carried out to acquaint people with and to promote the value of local products. Many activities have been aimed at children because it is essential that younger children know where food comes from and what the primary sector is all about. For instance, in conjunction with some schools, workshops have been organised on how food is produced and how baserritarras work. Work has also been carried out with older people.
In Sakana, for the waste management, we have opted for the sellective collection through a mixed model. In addition to the commitment to self-composting and composting by neighborhoods, we have planned the stablishment of a regional plant for the management of organic matter at the local level.
The Microrred de Lizarragaga (Lizarragako mikrosarea) will be launched in 2018. This facility will supply the village with renewable energy. This energy store uses the potential energy given by the height between the two deposits.
In 2017, the e-HIERA research and development project was promoted. This project involved 4 small companies and the CENER technology centre focusing on the development of two products: a line turbine and a software for the control of microgrids from pumped energy warehouses.
Updated in May 2019
- Planning
- Kick-starting
- Creating networks
- Local institution
- Social movement, social organisation
- Peasant movement, Peasant organisation