This is a report published by Entrepobles and Arran de terra on the current state and recent evolution of the Catalan food system.
The research evaluates 39 indicators that allow the diagnosis of the current situation of the food system in Catalonia, from the perspective of food sovereignty. This is an update of the Arran de terra report, published in 2010, which allows us to see the evolution in the subject.
The study concludes that there are two opposing trends: on the one hand, the deepening industrialization and globalization of the food system, and on the other hand, the greater impact of the proposals of agroecology and food sovereignty in more and more areas.
The project has been supported by the Barcelona City Council and the Agència Catalana de Cooperació al Desenvolupament.
- Familiarising and reflecting
- Social movement, social organisation
- Peasant movement, Peasant organisation