For several years now, a group of organisations from Vitoria-Gasteiz, as well as private citizens, have been working on the development of an agri-food strategy for Vitoria-Gasteiz.
The objective is to achieve a connection between the local production of quality food in a sustainable way and the consumption of the same in the city. In this way agro-livestock production in the municipality will be encouraged and its primary sector will be boosted, the population's food quality will be improved and the city's carbon footprint will be reduced by reducing energy consumption derived from food transport and conservation.
It is therefore a question of encouraging short circuits of production, commercialisation and consumption through the development of a local strategy, taking as a reference the experience of European cities and regions such as Vienna, London, Scotland, etc.
Vitoria-Gasteiz's 2017-2025 Municipal Action Plan for the Agrifood Strategy was structured around four strategic thematic lines and one strategic line that crosses previous ones:
1. Adaptation of urban planning regulations for the development of sustainable agri-food practices in the Municipality of Vitoria-Gasteiz
2. Development of demonstration projects and actions in key sustainable actions that promote the implementation of actions within the agrifood chain
3. Boosting demand for green and local products through public procurement
4. Public awareness and general awareness raising of the benefits of sustainable food production and consumption
5. Cross-cutting actions that affect several of the above strategic lines
The complete plan can be found here:
- Familiarising and reflecting
- Planning
- Kick-starting
- Local institution
- Social movement, social organisation
- Peasant movement, Peasant organisation