Bertatik Bertara is a project promoted by the four municipalities that make up the region of Urola-Garaia: Ezkio- Itsaso, Legazpi, Urretxu and Zumarraga; two from the Goierri area, Gabiria and Ormaiztegi; and two agencies, Uggasa, the regional development agency of Urola Garaia and Goimen, the rural development agency of Goierri.
It is a strategy specific to the primary sector to boost local consumption and the production of baserritarras. It started from the basis of the needs of the baserritarras and also of the need of mutual work. The main objective of the project is to achieve sustainable villages and baserris.
Some projects that have been carried out:
A quantitative and qualitative examination of the demand for the municipality's products. This also takes into account the demand in schools and public spaces before comparing this demand with the supply.
The installation of a small processing centre for products - vegetables, honey, dairy products and jams in Zaldibia (Goimen Agency). This is financed by the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa.
The creation of a land fund for young people to settle in and have a dignified life producing food.
Training as a strategic programme: specific training for baserritarras to strengthen their skills as well as extra training in schools and in the village itself.
- Creating networks
- Local institution
- Social movement, social organisation
- Peasant movement, Peasant organisation