World March of Women SOVEREIGNTY. where are you involved exactly?: 1.1. Empowerment and organisation 1.2. Redes y alianzas 1.4. Visualisation TOOLS. how are you doing it?: Creating networks WHO. who is promoting it?: Feminist or all female collective
Support for the definition of public equality policies at municipal level, Gipuzkoa Provincial Council SOVEREIGNTY. where are you involved exactly?: 1.3. Assessing 1.4. Visualisation TOOLS. how are you doing it?: Creating networks WHO. who is promoting it?: Local institution
Basherri SOVEREIGNTY. where are you involved exactly?: 1.1. Empowerment and organisation 1.2. Redes y alianzas 2.3. Seeds 2.4. Land 3.1. Energy Autonomy 3.3. Waste Management 3.5. Reduction 4.1. Knowledge and Information 4.2. Shared Spaces 4.3. Networks and Alliances 5.1. Collective feeding 5.2. Short Supply Chains 5.3. Agroecological Production 5.4. Local Transformation TOOLS. how are you doing it?: Creating networks WHO. who is promoting it?: Social movement, social organisation Peasant movement, Peasant organisation
Aramaixo Basarri Barri SOVEREIGNTY. where are you involved exactly?: 1.2. Redes y alianzas 3.1. Energy Autonomy 3.2. Alternative Energy 3.3. Waste Management 5.1. Collective feeding 5.2. Short Supply Chains 5.3. Agroecological Production TOOLS. how are you doing it?: Kick-starting Creating networks WHO. who is promoting it?: Local institution
Doulas Sororas – mutual support against violence in a Galician rural area SOVEREIGNTY. where are you involved exactly?: 1. Women’s Rights and Autonomy 1.1. Empowerment and organisation 1.2. Redes y alianzas TOOLS. how are you doing it?: Familiarising and reflecting Kick-starting Creating networks WHO. who is promoting it?: Local institution Listing Tags: indarkeria matxista violencias machistas
Pontevedra’s women’s memory SOVEREIGNTY. where are you involved exactly?: 1. Women’s Rights and Autonomy 1.3. Assessing 1.4. Visualisation TOOLS. how are you doing it?: Familiarising and reflecting WHO. who is promoting it?: Local institution Listing Tags: memoria oroimena