Elikagunea SOVEREIGNTY. where are you involved exactly?: 5.2. Short Supply Chains 5.4. Local Transformation TOOLS. how are you doing it?: Kick-starting Creating networks WHO. who is promoting it?: Local institution Social movement, social organisation Peasant movement, Peasant organisation
Connecting food systems and urban planning. The experience of Portland SOVEREIGNTY. where are you involved exactly?: 5. Local Food systems 5.1. Collective feeding 5.2. Short Supply Chains 5.3. Agroecological Production 5.4. Local Transformation TOOLS. how are you doing it?: Planning Regulating Kick-starting WHO. who is promoting it?: Local institution Listing Tags: elikadura politika herrigintza política alimentaria urbanismo
The Elgoibar Market SOVEREIGNTY. where are you involved exactly?: 5. Local Food systems 5.2. Short Supply Chains TOOLS. how are you doing it?: Regulating Kick-starting WHO. who is promoting it?: Local institution Listing Tags: azoka mercado merkatua
Transition towards energy sovereignty – Ayto. Barcelona SOVEREIGNTY. where are you involved exactly?: 3. Energy 3.1. Energy Autonomy 3.2. Alternative Energy 3.4. Public Models 3.5. Reduction TOOLS. how are you doing it?: Familiarising and reflecting Planning Regulating Kick-starting WHO. who is promoting it?: Local institution Listing Tags: comercializadora municipal de energia energia burujabetza municipalismo soberanía energética
Belo Horizonte Food Security Program SOVEREIGNTY. where are you involved exactly?: 5. Local Food systems 5.1. Collective feeding 5.2. Short Supply Chains 5.3. Agroecological Production TOOLS. how are you doing it?: Planning Regulating Kick-starting Creating networks WHO. who is promoting it?: Local institution
Doulas Sororas – mutual support against violence in a Galician rural area SOVEREIGNTY. where are you involved exactly?: 1. Women’s Rights and Autonomy 1.1. Empowerment and organisation 1.2. Redes y alianzas TOOLS. how are you doing it?: Familiarising and reflecting Kick-starting Creating networks WHO. who is promoting it?: Local institution Listing Tags: indarkeria matxista violencias machistas